Water Conservation

Our clean water is disapering .If we keep on wasting water there will not be any for the people in the future so they will die!

First we can save water by stopping and noncet water that is over flowing .Don’t leave the faucet running you can waste a  lot  of water . Do you think could take the hose and turn it off when it’s over flowing ?  Next,if you want  to play in the water the lawn .Turn it on and play in it a.m.or p.m.Could you please not let the water hose keep running that waste of water . Finally use a rain barrel to save water for your pets and plants . Before a rainy day put the barrel out side  after that day your  barrel should be full Did you know how much a bottled water is ti is about one dollar one a day for a week is seven dollars that’s a lot .So save up water  so  in  the future there will be some ,so take a pleg to Water Conservation.



















































































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