Every kid should NOT get a trophy because if you give a trophy to a kid that has not tried or is just playing all the time they might get spoiled and might think they don’t have to try to get a trophy . Kids should not always get a trophy they need to learn how to work for it . For the people who work for it they need one trophy once in a while . Anything could motivated a kid a pat on the back a or just a thumbs up . What about the kids that work really hard and get no trophy. The kids that don’t work for it should not get a trophy . I think a older kid shouldn’t get a trophy because they are mature enough and should learn that you don’t always get a trophy for all you do . That’s why I think not every kid should get a trophy .
[…] example of kid 3′s blog HERE […]
I love your debate . I had the same though. I also love your background